Winner of  Delaware Award

CMC Group Won the Delaware Hispanic Award for two years - 2016 and 2020.

HAAD Chairman and Founder

Elder is leading the board of the Hispanic American Assoc. of Delaware, Inc.

Tax Professional Member

Our CEO is an official member of the Latino Tax Professionals Association.

~ About Us ~

We are committed to the financial growth of our clients.

Over 15 years CMC GROUP helping companies reach
their financial goals.

CMC GROUP is a business group committed to the tax welfare of individuals and small businesses in the Delaware community, and all over the states. In our company you will have the best personalized advice by one of our experts in the field, so that your business can have real, reliable and significant growth.



Years of

~ Our Services ~

Introduce the Best Accounting Services
For Your Business

In any new business that you wanted to create, it is essential that you are clear about the business registration options that exist in the United States. There are various options where we as experts will guide you from start to finish. It is important to choose the correct one since it implies correctly filing your taxes every year.

Being up-to-date with the payments of your employees is vital for your company. We know that running your own payroll can take a lot of your time. This is why hundreds of companies have contacted us to manage their payroll to optimize employees’ payments as well remain compliant with labor and tax laws. Join our family and let us take care of everything.

There are many decisions when it comes to start a new business, including buying or selling a business. We review the risks to which you would be exposed, whether legal or economic. We walk you through to the process.

This is our five-star service, with more than 50 satisfied companies, we know that when you start a new business you cannot afford to hire an accountant for your company. We have the best solution at a reasonable price by providing you with business accounting services while you can focus on your business financial goals.

CMC Group Taxes know how important it is to be able to be advised with experts, especially when it comes to your new business or to give the next expansion step. We are ready to help you in any situation in which your business positions itself, as well as with important decisions, concerns, and even with sale of your business and restructuring.

We offer a universal program to obtain your ITIN number in case you need it to file your taxes or for other business reasons. We can walk you through from start to finish the entire process totally confidential.

Not filing your taxes correctly could affect your business and get you in trouble with the IRS and authorities. We have +15 years of experience filing business taxes for more than 700 clients. We know what is best for you by helping file your personal and business taxes while also complying with Federal, State and Local tax laws.

Planning to what level you want to take your company is as important as planning your taxes every year. We know the tax laws change every year, and a bad move could put you in trouble with Federal, State and Local authorities. At CMC, we are updated and ready to help you improve your tax savings. Plan your taxes with us in order to see your tax savings.

We offer notary services for any need, whether to authenticate signatures or documents or even to serve as a witness in business matters. We can also help you with document translation.

Active Business
Years Experience


Business administration with expertise in computer science and accounting.

Former software engineer for major Financial and Banking institutions in the USA.

Founder of the Hispanic American Association of Delaware, Inc hand in hand with state leaders.


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